Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse für Gießereien und Stahlwerke
The KRAUSE & co. KG focuses mainly on the supply of refractory products, ceramic gating system and some products for the melting shop of steel cast,
gray cast iron and ductile iron foundries in Germany and abroad.
Since 1993 we see our task primarily in the consultation as well as in serving the demand of the Foundry customers in terms of requested amounts of
refractory materials and making them available within short lead times.
In this role, we operate as partners and warehouse distributor of RHI MAGNESITA, a world market leader in the field of refractory products, since 2000.
Within that cooperation we have the opportunity to further complement our extensive range of special products. Ultimately the price level was maintained
by concentrating the flow of goods to the storage of KRAUSE & Co. KG acceptable for the purchasers of small quantities. Caused by this cooperation with
RHI MAGNESITA our clients can be sure that they can enjoy of the latest services, technology and developments in that field of industry.
Previously, in 1999, we took over the traditional ceramic casting gating system, SYSTEM LÜNGEN, from the former company Dörentrup-Lüngen
Feuerfest GmbH. At that time these had already moved the production of the ceramic casting gating system from Bendorf on the river Rhein to Rajec-
Jestrebi, near the city of Brno. Since then a close cooperative collaboration connects us to the Czech group SEEIF ceramic, a.s.
Our principle is a flexible, short-term response to the diverse needs of our clients. In order to allow short-term deliveries we keep a permanent stock of an
extensive range of products available.
Our goal is to provide friendly, reasonable, professional and first-class service to our customers.